Thursday, July 30, 2020

August 2020 Bulletin: Planning Around COVID-19, Outdoor Meeting

Lead article from the August 2020 bulletin, online now.

It has been a wild ride so far this year. The officers met in July to go over the budget and activities for this upcoming Knight’s calendar year. With all the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 virus, a number of activities will take a year off as it is currently unclear when large in-person gatherings will be able to happen. Activities that made the cut and are anticipated to happen include, but may not be limited to, the Pro-Life Dinner in October, the Christmas Tree Lot, the Father-Daughter Dance and the Father-Son Fun Day.

Another event that is in the works depending on multiple factors is a combined Watchmen-Knights of Columbus sandwich-making event. More to come on that event as plans are nailed down. We also need to continue to welcome Fr. Brian Park into the parishes as our new pastor. It is definitely going to be more challenging for Fr. Park to connect names to masked faces.

The plan for the August council meeting on Thursday, August 6, will be to have the meeting outdoors near St. Albert’s parish hall (good weather) or in the St. Albert’s parish hall main room (not as good weather). It is important in this time of mask-wearing isolation to keep your brother Knights in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for all that you do, and remember to keep the faith! 

God Bless, 
Andy Sipple
Grand Knight

Please remember our sick Brother Knights in your prayers, in particular, Adam Roden, Tom Hackenmueller, Elmer Waltz, Joe Perrault and Mike Salonek. Pray for all deceased brother Knights and  for the repose of the souls of all those who passed away,especially Norbert Russell. Lyle Buckingham and Wallace Barthel.